Our 2024 Catalogue

Our New 2024 Catalogue Now Available!

We are delighted to announce the release of our new Plant, Tool & Equipment Catalogue. As one of the UK’s fastest growing plant and tool hire providers,
FTH Hire Group have a fleet in excess of 11,000 items, many of which are part of our Core 80 range guaranteed to be in stock and available to hire across our Hire Hub network.


FTH Hire Group cover your Plant hire needs with a wide range of excavators, telehandlers, forklifts, dumpers, rollers, compressors, bowsers and trailers, all with a comprehensive choice of attachments. They are replaced every 18-24 months, ensuring we’ll always deliver machines that are modern, efficient and reliable.


We have a great range of general site tools, security and welfare equipment for hire, everything you need when undertaking a construction project. From site toilets and barriers systems to everyday items such as skips, props and ground protection equipment, all designed to make your job run smoothly and efficiently.


Do you need to reach somewhere and work safely at height? At FTH Hire Group you will find we have access equipment available to hire, from powered access such as boom lifts and scissor lifts, to a range of towers, work platforms, boards and trestles, steps and ladders.


We have an extensive collection of landscaping equipment, all of which can be suitable for a range of forestry, professional groundcare and domestic garden projects. From compact tractors and wood chippers to lawn mowers and fence post drivers, we have everything you need and more to complete your landscaping or garden project.

Survey & Safety

Our range of high quality survey instruments, from laser levels and locator tools to safety equipment such as gas detection systems, inspection cameras and escape kits, are all available from FTH Hire Group.


With an extensive range of equipment, FTH Hire Group are perfectly placed to support the set up and breakdown of sporting events, festivals, celebrations and air shows, no matter how small or large the event and participation.

Building Essentials

We have a range of building essentials and consumable available that are suitable for professional and DIY use, available to purchase at all of our trade counters. If you are unsure about any of the correct tools or equipment needed to support your hire, then contact our team or enquire at the trade counter.